Michele Johnson
Executive Director, Co-Founder
Rob Watkins
Chief Operating Officer
Sam Lehutsky
Operations & HR Manager
Aleena Robinson
Development Manager
Lakesyn Melia
Development Specialist
Richard Stuart
Grants Coordinator
D'Anelle Desire
Director of Communications
Reed McLean
Digital Media Coordinator
Brant Harrell
Legal Director
Delaram Takyar
Skadden Fellow
Emily Jenkins
Staff Attorney
Jane Dimnwaobi
Equal Justice Works Fellow
Gordon Bonnyman
Staff Attorney, Co-Founder
Josiah Mezera
Speer Foundation Fellow
Diana Gallaher
IOK Project Director/Casework Supervisor
Emma Sabin
King Child Health Fellow
Henry Lynett
Client Advocate
Annie Eby
Jesuit Volunteer Client Advocate
Jane Beasley
Senior Client Advocate
Owen Hendricks
JVC Client Advocate
Shana Watkins
Insure Our Kids Outreach Coordinator
Katherine Zelaya
IOK Client Advocate
Ashley Dorway
Metro Client Advocate
John Elliott
Melkus Fellow
Chanda Freeman
Director of Strategic Partnerships for Health Justice
Danielle Branch
Health Policy and Advocacy Associate
Signe Anderson
Senior Director of Nutrition Advocacy
Anne Dobson Ball
WIC Partnership and Outreach Coordinator
Crys Riles
Anti-Hunger Advocate
Geraldine Hernandez-Marin
King Nutrition Fellow
Anna Grace Breedlove
WIC Referral and Data Specialist