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Jill Barlow

Jill Barlow of Lewisburg and her husband Eric are parents to Drake, age 6.  Drake suffers multiple heart and throat defects requiring regular in-home care and medications.  While Eric works tirelessly to support the family, Jill has juggled her own health needs with caring for her son and fighting determinedly to get adequate care for Drake.

Last year, Drake was close to losing the coverage that provides the means for his survival. Working with TJC, Jill and Eric fought to keep Drake at home and insured through TennCare so he can continue to get the care and coverage he requires.

Drake is now successfully covered through TennCare and receiving the care he needs. Jill and her husband are excited to be able to go on a date for the first time in years now that their son can be properly cared for! They intend for Drake to have as normal a life as possible.   Drake is full of energy and happiness. He loves meeting people, watching sports, college mascots, and Kroger, which is one of his favorite places to visit!

Jill’s selflessness shows in not only her dedication to the care of her son, but her commitment to raising awareness about the inadequate healthcare policies in Tennessee. Both parents have been vocal about health care reform, fighting against legislation that could diminish the care received by their son and children like him. She hopes “senators and representatives realize TennCare should help everyone that needs support, especially children.”  For her unwavering dedication to her family, TJC is honored to name Jill Barlow as a 2018 Mother of the Year.

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