James Griffin
“I don’t have the words to say what I feel about TJC. They helped us when no one else would.”
James has Marfan’s Syndrome, a rare disorder that ravages the central nervous system. Doctors can’t explain how he is living, but his wife Lorrie knows. James lives for his family.
Their young children, Catherine and Branson, both inherited Marfan’s Syndrome. They also suffer from lupus. James has been their steadfast champion when their TennCare HMO has denied the children critically needed medical care.
New patient protections, won by the Tennessee Justice Center with the help of James and other courageous TennCare parents, are now in effect. James has used those rights to obtain the care his children need, as have thousands of other TennCare mothers and dads across the state.
As James continues his struggle for life, he is strengthened by the knowledge that he has done all for his children that any father could. For this dad, that’s what life is all about.