Honorable Shelia Calloway
Judge Calloway is the Juvenile Judge for Davidson County. After earning her undergraduate and law degrees from Vanderbilt, she served for many years in the Metro Public Defender’s Office representing children in Juvenile Court. In 2004, she was appointed Juvenile Court Magistrate and in 2014 was elected Juvenile Court Judge. In that capacity, she not only presides over the court’s cases but also oversees the extensive children’s services administered by the court. In addition to her day job, Judge Calloway is involved in too many community service activities to name. She is deeply respected for her devotion to children, her empathy for families, and her passion for justice. Early in her career as a public defender, we had the privilege of working with her when she skillfully represented James, one of the plaintiffs in the John B. case, on criminal charges while we worked together to get him appropriate mental health care. Over the years TJC has worked with Judge Calloway to champion improvements in our state’s social safety net so that all children have an opportunity to thrive.