Dr. Craig Anne Heflinger
Craig Anne retired last spring after a career in child-and-family focused psychology. She mentored two generations of Vanderbilt students who have gone on to serve children and families throughout the country. Her research provided nationally influential insights that have improved services to and systems of care for children with mental health needs and their families. She founded the first Girl Scout troop for girls in state custody and ran the troop for 8 years, building on her experience of 10 years with her daughter’s troop. Craig Anne volunteered to serve as our mental health expert in the John B. case. Over more than a decade, she donated countless hours in that case and endured grueling cross-examination, enabling TJC to win important gains for the more than 600,000 children enrolled in TennCare. Craig Anne established internships at TJC for students from Vanderbilt’s Department of Human and Organizational Development, and those internships continue to enrich the students’ lives as they serve TJC’s clients. Her joy now is having time to spend with her twin grandchildren in Michigan as well as doing some great traveling with her husband of 45 years, Scott.