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Trying to Survive on $707 a Month

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

I got hurt and could not keep working. I have plates and screws in my neck. If I try to work I’m days in bed, trying to manage the pain. I applied for disability and was denied. My only option was to take early retirement from Social Security. My income is $707 per month. I get SNAP benefits with my daughter and her children. My church helps us with housing; we live in housing we rent from the church. My daughter is not working now because her son has recently been hospitalized for mental health treatment.

I have high blood pressure. I am unable to get my medicine. My blood pressure was high today when they took it but they could not give me medicine because I did not have a prescription. I used to go to Matthew Walker, but with each visit costing $35-$40, I could not afford to keep going. I came today to get an x-ray on my hip.

I get depressed because of so much worry. I have been diagnosed with bi-polar in the past. Obviously I can’t get medicine for that either.



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